**The Eiffel Tower**
Some quick history. Sitting on the Champ de Mars, it was built in 1889, Gustave Eiffel won a contest to build the world's fair entrance. Eiffel beat out some structures including a giant guillotine. At just over 1,000 feet tall, the structure follows you around Paris. As you walk up to it's base, it really is quite the site to see. With three levels for visitors, it is the most-visited paid monument, as well as the most recognizable monument in the world.
The Champ de Mars is a large, public park just in front of the Eiffel tower. With our hotel only a 10 minute walk from the base, we spent many hours sitting on the Champ de Mars. As we sat there with our bottle of wine enjoying the great people watching we would get caught up in what was going on around us that we would often turn to face the tower forgetting we were actually sitting in front of it
These are some of our favorite pictures. We seriously probably took over 100 just of the Eiffel Tower, so there were many to choose from. I hope you enjoy them.
From the Tracedero
At night.
Enjoying our wine in front of the Eiffel.
Twinkling in the night sky.
Up close.
I got it!
These next two don't even look real.
One of my favorite shots. We tried so hard to use the tripod and time our jump right. This was the best we got. A nice British man asked if we wanted help and I declined because I was stubborn and wanted to get it by ourselves. Needless to say, it didn't really work, but this one does make me laugh.
Our last day we got a couple from Seattle to help us out. This was a success!
Whelp, that's the end of our trip. I hope you enjoyed reliving it as much as we did. Until next time, au revoir.