Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our House

Ok, so we're finally putting up some pictures of the house. Our inspection went very well and the guy said we have a VERY solid house for being 55 years old. There were a couple of electrical issues, but they will be fixed before we move in so we're all good. We're so glad that it went well and that we didn't have that much to fix. Our closing date is set for August 7. So if all goes as planned, we'll be out of our apartment on Thursday Aug. 6 and moving in either Friday or Saturday. Here's a quick video of our house. This is of course not our furniture, but you get the idea. Enjoy.


  1. The house looks great guys! Congrats!! Expect some visitors for an Iowa game soon... =)

  2. Just have to say...this is the cutest place! Can't wait to see it again with all your stuff in place. Shopping day tomorrow, Paige!

    Patti-Mom :)

  3. Yay! Love the garden- Oh- and btw- NYTImes just ran a story of '36 Hours in Madison Wisconsin' :D Thought you'd enjoy! http://travel.nytimes.com/2009/07/05/travel/05Hours.html?8td&emc=tda1
    (Happy 4th of July!)

  4. Very charming...you are gonna love, can't wait to see how you make it yours! Happy Anniversary a little early!

  5. Love the garden! and I'm so impressed that you have your own baseball field :)


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